Forever Young 

Keep your skin youthful and beautiful with the Forever Young BBL Treatment. BBL treatments stimulate collagen production for a smoother, firmer and more even skin tone. This noninvasive, comfortable in office treatment easily allows you to maintain beautiful skin without downtime. At Boat Club Medical we focus on anti-aging medicine, this treatment is a perfect complement to that philosophy.

BBL is an innovative technology that utilizes the power of pulses light to delivery varies wavelength to target undesirable aspects of skin. It is the ultimate anti-aging treatment! Since BBL uses light to target problem areas, clients should avoid sun exposure for 3 weeks prior to treatment. BBL can address sun-damage, enlarged pores, uneven texture, acne, facial vessels, cherry angioma, rosacea and sagging skin.

What it Treats

  • Aging
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Enlarged pores
  • Skin texture
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Age spots
  • Freckles
  • Laxity
  • Flushing
  • Small facial vessels
  • Redness
  • Rosacea

Treatment Time

  • Face: 30-45 minutes
  • Body: Varies
  • Hands: 15 minutes
  • Legs: 1 hour
  • Back: 1 hour
  • Chest: 45 minutes

Recovery/Side Effects

4-6 days of minimal downtime. Immediately may have sunburned appearance/redness and pigment will appear darker. This coffee ground appearance will flake off over the next 7-10 days. Do not pick or exfoliate. You can apply make-up immediately after.


Decreased sun damage, redness is diminished, increase glow to skin, facial vessels are decreased or eliminated, pores and fine lines are minimized.

At Boat Club Medical, we find that most patients need 3-5 treatments at 2-4 week intervals will produce the best results. After the initial series, most clients see improvement in nearly all aspects of their skin and then incorporate to 2-3 treatments per year as part of their anti-aging regime and maintain results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What areas of the body can I treat with BBL?
Face, chest, shoulders, neck, hands, and body can all be treated with BBL.

What happens during the treatment?
We will obtain pictures, clean your face, then apply protective shields to the eyes. During the treatment, you may feel a rubber band snap when the light pulses. Usually very minimal discomfort.

Is there any pretreatment needed?
Avoid the sun for 3 weeks.

What can I expect after the treatment?
You may have some redness that should resolve over the next few hours. Pigmented lesions will darken and fall off over the next 7-10 days. Most clients notice the skin feels smooth, fine lines and pores are less noticeable. You can wear make-up immediately after.

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary depending on patient body type, the number of treatments, or the duration of treatments. For additional information on procedure effectiveness and expected results please consult a member of the Boat Club Medical Spa team.