
Peptides and proteins are the body’s natural signaling molecules and their effects make peptides the number one method for anti-aging and wellness. Peptides aid in slowing the aging process, increase human growth hormone along with increasing the quality of life.

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Weight Loss & Stubborn Fat

It is easy to gain weight but very hard to successfully lose it and keep it off. At Boat Club Medical, we offer a variety of ways to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and better quality of life.

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Wellness Exams

A wellness exam is another name for a checkup. With these exams, your Boat Club Medical Spa provider can assess your general health, screen you for diseases, and offer recommendations that improve your well-being.

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Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

Jerry Davis, DO, and Kasey Murphy, PA-C, at Boat Club Medical Spa in Fort Worth, Texas, offer bioidentical hormones to keep your body balanced as you age, eliminating the side effects that may be keeping you from feeling your best.

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Allergy Testing & Immunotherapy

Boat Club Medical Spa offers in-office skin testing, advanced blood testing, as well as in-office immunotherapy, the process using low dose allergens in an injection to desensitize the response and decrease symptoms of allergic reactions.

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Transform Medical Weight Loss

Transform Medical Weight Loss (Transform), created by Pharmacy Solutions, offers a safe and effective weight loss solution for patients. Transform uses science and clinical data combined with comprehensive patient analysis to create a customized dosing protocol unique to each person.

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Stress Management / HPA Dysfunction

Boat Club Medical Spa provides testing to identify HPA Dysfunction in patients, and offers a comprehensive stress management approach and adrenal support supplements utilized to restore you to optimal health.

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